Declaration of Accessibility of CSIC Website
In order to accomplish the requirements collected in the norm applicable to the public administration websites, for the design of the Spanish National Research Council website a series of measures have been adopted with the aim of guaranteeing the accessibility to the content, and regularly there are manual revisions to ensure its functioning that are also complemented through different semi-automatic tools to verify compliance of the priority points 1 and 2, defined in the specification of accessibility guidelines for the web content web (WAAG 1.0). Latest revision 17/02/2011.
Measures of accessibility adopted
Fonts with different sizes are available in your web browser in case of preferring a different option.
Structure of the pages
This portal is designed with a common format for all the content pages. This allows an easy familiarisation with the structure of the documents facilitating thus the browsing for those people that require technical help.
- This site has been produced using style sheets (CSS) for the presentation of the information and the HTML code for its correct structuring. The layout is adapted correctly to the most common users and the size of the fonts has been defined in relative measures in order make them suitable for resizing.
- For any non-textual element, there have been included the required alternatives to avoid any access barriers to the contents for the users.
- The links offer details on the function or destiny of the hyperlink. Mechanisms for interaction are offered in order to facilitate to the user the localisation of information and the orientation within the website.
Continuous improvement
The commitment of the Spanish National Research Council regarding the accessibility includes a process of continuous improvement. Currently, some of the sections of the portal do not offer an optimal level of accessibility due to technological reasons. These sections are now in a process of adaptation to the accessibility criteria.
El método empleado para preparar la declaración ha sido una autoevaluación llevada a cabo por el propio Organismo.
Última revisión de la declaración: 16 de marzo de 2020.
If you find any problem related to the browsing or visualisation, please contact us through the feedback form feedback form.